
New Alice Content On Facebook Monday

From The Disloyal Subjects of the Mad Hatter Facebook page "My, my! Look how my army has grown! We've certainly done our part to win this madness. As part of MY army you'll be the first to see exclusive content from Alice in Wonderland- but you can't be late or you'll miss out so stay tuned!" So looks like we may be getting some new content or possibly a Trailer.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the Posters. I puchased a Mad Hatter Tote Bag at Kmart & Everyone wants it. I missed Tim Burton in NYC. I wish I was there. Working on myself now. Cosmetic Denistry My teeth Look fanastic. Happy New Year 2011.ver busy they want our Twiter page to go live . Some many feeds under Sharon Depp.I said call me. Sharon aurednik Tim I tried to help Constantine but I had to step away too much Mommy Drama and Jealousy. I heard he got busted for drugs.I feel bad! To goood health. If you ever need me I am a phone call away. 4126093253 Mobile on my Samsung epic 4g Email acct working on Sharon Depp Twitter. Peace SRA pIttsburgh, Pa